Booker's Limited Edition 30th Anniversary Bourbon Whisky 750ml
Booker's Limited Edition 30th Anniversary Bourbon Whisky 750ml
Booker's 30th Anniversary Bourbon is a highly sought-after, limited edition whiskey that captures the essence of Booker's sophisticated taste and expertise. The exquisite blend of 9 and 16-year-old bourbons is meticulously combined in a 70/30 ratio (70% 9-year-old to 30% 16-year-old) and bottled at an unfiltered 125.8 proof. Aged in #4 char American oak barrels, Booker's 30th is made from an undisclosed mash bill and features a barrel selection breakdown of 48% 5th floor/warehouse E, 12% 3rd floor/warehouse H, 29% 4th floor/warehouse H, and 11% 5th floor/warehouse H. Packaged in aged wooden boxes crafted from planed lumber sourced from Jim Beam’s iconic Warehouse E, Booker’s 30th Anniversary is more than just a whiskey - it’s a piece of American bourbon history that collectors will treasure.