New Riff Single Barrel Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
New Riff Single Barrel Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
New Riff Single Barrel Straight Bourbon Whiskey is a premium whiskey that is aged for a minimum of four years in new, charred oak barrels. It is made from a carefully crafted mash bill of 65% corn, 30% rye, and 5% malted barley, resulting in a complex and robust flavor profile.
This 750ml bottle is a single barrel expression, meaning that each bottle is drawn from a single barrel, resulting in unique and distinctive flavors. It has a rich amber color and a nose of toasted oak, vanilla, and caramel, with notes of spice and fruit on the palate.
New Riff is committed to using non-GMO grains and uses a natural, non-chill filtering process to preserve the flavors and aromas of the whiskey. This bourbon is bottled at a cask strength of 55% ABV, making it a bold and flavorful addition to any whiskey collection.
Overall, New Riff Single Barrel Straight Bourbon Whiskey is a premium bourbon that showcases the best of Kentucky's bourbon-making traditions. It is perfect for sipping neat or on the rocks, and also makes a great addition to classic bourbon cocktails.