Fortaleza Anejo Tequila 750ml
Fortaleza Anejo Tequila 750ml
Fortaleza Tequila Anejo is a 100% authentic Mexican tequila that is aged for a minimum of 18 months in carefully selected American oak barrels. These barrels have been re-chipped and re-charred to impart a deep, smoky texture to the tequila. The agave plants used to produce this celebrated Anejo are matured for 8 years before being harvested from the fertile soils of Jalisco, Mexico.
To ensure the purest extract, Fortaleza Anejo is double distilled in authentic copper pot stills. This meticulous process results in a tequila of exceptional quality that is produced in limited quantities. Each bottle is hand-blown and hand-packed, reflecting the brand's commitment to bespoke craftsmanship and quality.
Bottled at 40% ABV, this succulent tequila features a rich palate and complex aromatics that weave a tale of sweetness from the very first sip. Fortaleza Tequila Anejo is a true work of art that embodies the spirit of Mexico and its rich cultural heritage.